Where have I been?
I've been deep in the dissertation desert lately, but I heard this line recently, reminding me of more carefree days:
"The path to excess leads to the tower of wisdom."
Daily life in Vancouver, BC filtered through the completely objective, totally non-partisan lens of one freshly minted postdoc
I've been deep in the dissertation desert lately, but I heard this line recently, reminding me of more carefree days:
Ripped from the headlines... of the Milan (Michigan) News (ref).
As an U.S. Army veteran, I can tell you that a tribute of this nature is an emotionally moving project. In the armed services you become aware of people that would sacrifice their life for their county and it's most fitting that those who died to preserve liberty are recognized and remembered. Their young lives ended so we could live ours to the fullest and we should never forget that.You might want to read that again.
...you become aware of people that would sacrifice their life for their county...This little gaffe woke the cynic in me. I always like to think I'd lay down my life for country or fellow man if the situation arose, but would I do it for... Washtenaw County? Somehow it just doesn't seem the same. But, as Depeche Mode once said, "people are people," right? Why would it matter whether they're Americans or Washtenawnians?
Like a scorned lover coming back for more, I'm forced to admit: I find Ann Arbor pretty sometimes.
This grand show is eternal. It is always sunrise somewhere; the dew is never all dried at once; a shower is forever falling; vapor ever rising. Eternal sunrise, eternal sunset, eternal dawn and gloaming, on seas and continents and islands, each in its turn, as the round earth rolls.
Well, not exactly.
Almighty God created the races white, black, yellow, Malay, and red and placed them on separate continents.... The fact that he separated the races shows that he did not intend for the races to mix.
This summer, as I've been finishing up research projects and getting ready to defend, I've had the nagging feeling I've been living here on borrowed time. Nothing's provided a clearer sign of that than what I'm seeing around town -- summer in full, blinding bloom. Things that I saw in the past and forgot about spur my memory and harry me when I see them again.
'Cause I'm a man, not a boy
Here's a situation I found myself in last weekend: You're sitting in a coffee shop, laptop out and doing work, with a cup of coffee on the table, and suddenly need to use the restroom.
The two or three of you who are regular visitors to Stew's Blues may have noticed that I haven't posted anything in a while. Truth is, I've been busy trying to finish up the thesis (defense date 7/11!) and apply for jobs, postdoctoral and non.