Monday, April 02, 2007

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So ends Year 31 and begins Year 32. (This makes me 31 by the way most people account for age.)

I've decided Year 32's motto will be "Citius, altius, fortius" -- you can look it up if you're unclear on the meaning. As befits this motto, midnight passed with me on the rowing machine.

As I rowed, I thought back to people who helped me through Year 31.

Here are some of them, alphabetized by last name: AB, SB, JC, BH, YI, RK, JL, AM, SM, JR, CS, KS, MS, CW. Thanks, all. If I've left someone out, the culpability is entirely mine.

Anyway, keep your fingers crossed for Year 32 which should bring some seismic changes. As a fortune cookie I received recently said: "You will soon make an important decision." Really? Just one?


At Mon Apr 02, 11:17:00 AM EDT, Blogger Uichan said...

Happy Birthday!!! I wish you the best for year #32!

At Mon Apr 02, 01:43:00 PM EDT, Blogger Maya said...

Happy Birthday Stewey!!! Wishing you all the best this year and always.

At Tue Apr 03, 02:39:00 PM EDT, Blogger hollly said...



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