Sunday, November 19, 2006

Thirty in Ann Arbor

Entirely possible
I've been here too long

Long overdue
Has come and gone

Seen the scene grow obscene

I'm trying to finish
Honest, I mean

But I'm saddled and addled
And a little more than tired

Been to other defenses
Still waiting for mine

But I'm saddled and addled
And a little more than tired

Martin Luther had ninety-five theses
I'd be happy with one of these pieces

Tired of the ins and arounds of this peregrine town

Smoky imposter lounge
Flavor of the week
Cover band up front
Kiss kiss on the cheek

What do you do, really, that so

My God, T.S.,
I'd be happy with Michelangelo

One day I'll go
Think fondly of these times
From my condo in Redondo
Squeezing juice from the limes


At Tue Nov 21, 04:21:00 PM EST, Blogger hollly said...

nice work!


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